Tuesday, June 22, 2010

La Asuncion School - Chile

Dear Tom,

I am sharing with you a photo of our Maryknoll school - elementary and High school complex in the Navy port town in Talcahuano, Chile.
The school had more than 200 teachers and over a 2,000 students with classes in the morning with two schedules from 8:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and another group of students for the afternoon classes from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
As you can imagine it was a full schedule with around 40 students in the classroom. I was at this school which was elementary and High school for 15 years.
The school was turned over to the Archdiocese of Concepcion. I visited this school last January for the first time in several years. It was nice to see the place again. I stayed with a family for a week.
Well it was nice seeing you again today just before I went to have my lunch. I was in my office when you made contact and also your brother Benny was in contact.
I was in contact on Monday and I didn't know that his superior was with him as well.
So it is kind of risky to make any comments and he probably knows some English but I am not sure.
Today is a warm day and we are in Winter. Yesterday was the first day of Winter, June 21 and in the Southern Hemisphere it is now Summer.
I am glad that you are reading the blogs and with some news that I can send you. You know that you can write something below this under comments. More so since you have a gmail e-mail address.

Well this is all for now. I will be looking forward to hearing from you again.

lots of love,
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